Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another Road Trip...and

Today I set out on an adventure with my sidekicks Sharon and Mary to visit Stickney and Florenceville, NB. First place was new for me and it had been at least 8 yrs since I had been to Florenceville. But it was important, Mary's Mom is turning 90 tomorrow and there was a Wool Event in could we girls resist the temptation.

Some may recall the story about Pandora's box, well that is what today ended up feeling had some glitches...but the cake was well worth it. As you can see from the photo, my car has no window, yup, it fell into the door when we stopped in Welsford for gas. It all started at Tim's when my window was frozen....I followed procedure, and made it Welsford....lets just say driving back to Saint John, at highway speed with no window and -16 degrees cold, I am lucky I still have friends and that we do not have frostbite....not sure I can explain how cold my hands were....thank goodness for the wool turtleneck sweater I decided to wear. So out of sheer determination.....

We prepared Sharon's car for the trip and 1.5hrs later from our first departure we were back on the highway...oh and did we ever need that washer fluid....the roads were a mess in I am a driving queen and even in the boonies of NB I got us through....and it was well worth the cake....but not the wool event....will leave that for another was just a little disappointing....

1 comment:

  1. I can not believe you drove home with no window - oh No!!
