Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Supper....lost tradition

Sunday suppers were somewhat of a tradition, it was the day when Mom made a big meal. Not that she did not make a meal every night from scratch she did, but they were quicker and did not have dessert. Sundays were different, she wasn’t as busy and could have the stove on all day...she would make Chicken, Roast or something along those lines, or spend her time making potato pancakes, imagine she even made long before she had a food processor, can you say “all day event and look out for knuckle skin”. But she was dedicated, unfortunately, I fall very far from the tree in this respect, I could live on Popcorn and Coke, neither I of these I might add would she be caught eating or drinking EVER!

It’ s not that I can’t cook, she taught me well, not too much water in the potatoes, but don’t boil them dry, always have another side, always have bread, always have something of substance, somewhere along the way, I lost the importance of the meal....when Kelton was little mixed veggies and tomato soup, was a MEAL more than once...poor guy no wonder he likes nothing....well that was until tonight’s supper...yup...he went outside his food comfort no he still did not eat rice or potato dressing, but oh my he ate the other items and even tried the sweet and sour sauce, no complaints, but still not going vegetarian. I am so pleased; make my three hours and the use of some 15 spices and 10 ingredients at least later worth it. Oh, and more importantly perhaps is that Jeevan loved my Tofu meatballs, well that means not more packaged ones...still need to tweak the recipe a little, but they were devoured by all including the meat eaters!

Although I still miss the atmosphere created by mom, and I will in no way be able to create it myself, as it she who makes it was it is, I think I created my own today!

Potato Dressing
Veggie Gravy
Zucchini Patties
Turnip Puff
Sweet and Sour Sauce
Tofu Meatballs
Crispy Crunchy Squares


  1. It was very good, but I think 3 hours off work is way too much, but everyone was well fed and just have a couple of pots in the sink and leftovers in the fridge.
